List of the co-ordinators scientifically liable for the census and study activities in the libraries:
• Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana: prof. Augusto Guida (descriptions by Daniele Arnesano, Davide Baldi, Michele Bandini, Augusto Guida, Mariella Menchelli), revisions by Benedetta Cellai
• Grottaferrata, Biblioteca del Monumento Nazionale: prof. Santo Lucà (descriptions by Alessia Aletta)
• Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III: prof. Maria Rosa Formentin (descriptions by Maria Rosa Formentin)
• Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana: mons. Cesare Pasini (descriptions by Luisa Palla, Stefano Serventi, Gianluca Turco)
• Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria: prof. Paolo Eleuteri (descriptions by Paolo Eleuteri)
• Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana: prof. Maria Rosa Formentin (descriptions by Maria Rosa Formentin, Margherita Losacco, Niccolò Zorzi)
• Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek: prof. Ernst Gamillscheg (descriptions by Jana Gruskova)
• London, British Library: dr. Claire Breay
Data base implementation: Sabina Magrini (Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana)
The authors of the texts, the individuals and the institutions holding rights on the reproductions as well as the Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico and the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, makers of the database containing the results of the census, study, reproduction and image processing of the Greek palimpsest manuscripts examined in the context of Rinascimento Virtuale, whilst mantaining their exclusive rights, grant free access to the database for study purposes only.
Any single different use of the texts and images contained in the database and of the database in itself by third parties will have to be approved by the copyright holder in accordance with the current law in force.

with technical collaboration of Fabio Civerchia (COMP.SYS)